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This is the first book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Principal Success. He will guide you and your children in the discovery of how the thinking process works by introducing you to the Thinker, Believer, and Do-er. He will explain what their jobs are and just exactly how “THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!”
This is the second book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Miss Educo. She will guide you and your children in the discovery of your superpower. You will draw your treasure map and learn how to get past those pesky trouble spots along the way. She will guide the kindergarteners to finding the clues they each have for the treasure map. Miss Educo teaches her children to always, “THINK IT THROUGH!”
This is the third book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Confident Caden. Caden holds the first clue on the map to finding the treasure. He is a very confident little cowboy that competes in his favorite sport of rodeo. His toothless grin explains the importance of self-belief in this story surrounding the first steps to success. Confident Caden always says, “YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN!”
This is the fourth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Hannah Harmony. Hannah holds the second clue on the map to finding the treasure. She has discovered the importance of working together in perfect harmony. Her peaceful cooperation is contagious in this story. Hannah Harmony always says, “COME TOGETHER, KEEP TOGETHER, WORK TOGETHER!
This is the fifth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Orderly Ollie. Ollie holds the third clue on the map to finding the treasure. He has discovered the importance of doing things in a certain order. Join Ollie as he tells a story of a very special farmer. Orderly Ollie always says, “THERE IS ORDER FOR EVERYTHING!”
This is the sixth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Thaddeus Think It Through and Learning Lane. Thaddeus and Lane hold the fourth clue on the map to finding the treasure, The Thinker. They have discovered how your Thinker works, what’s in there and how it gets in there. Join Thaddeus and Lane as they tell the story of your superpower. Thaddeus Think It Through and Learning Lane always say, “THINKING IS YOUR SUPERPOWER!”
This is the seventh book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Faith Feeling. Faith holds the fifth clue on the map to finding the treasure, The Believer. She has discovered how your Believer works and how it feels. Join Faith as she tells her story about faith and fear. Faith Feeling always says, “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH FAITH!”
This is the eighth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Extra Miles. Miles holds the sixth clue on the map to finding the treasure, The Do-er. He has discovered how it is important to do the work and be responsible in your DO-er. Join Miles as he tells his story about his dad and the school bag incident. Extra Miles always says, “GO THE EXTRA MILE!”
This is the ninth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Grace Go-Getter. Grace holds the seventh clue on the map to finding the treasure, making a decision. She has discovered that the only way to get out of jail is to make a decision and then be persistent. Join Grace as he tells her story about running the race to win. Grace Go-Getter always says, “WINNING IS A DECISION!”
This is the tenth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Healthy Hailey. Hailey holds the eighth clue on the map to finding the treasure, perfection. She has discovered we are all perfect because we are unique individuals with a spirit perfect for our purpose. Join Hailey as she tells her story about who she thinks is just perfect. Healthy Hailey always says, “WE ARE ALL PERFECT!”
This is the eleventh book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Will Power. Will holds the ninth clue on the map to finding the treasure, Mind Tools. He has discovered that if you use all of your Mind Tools, there is nothing to stop you from getting what you really want. Join Will and his mom as they tell the story of Will Power. Will’s mom always asks, “WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?”
This is the twelfth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Pleasing Penelope and Positive Pauline. Twins, Penelope and Pauline hold the tenth clue on the map to finding the treasure, Positivity. They know that positivity is catchy and it feels really good to be happy and grateful! Join the girls as they tell their new friends the story of Positivity. The twins always say, “POSITIVITY IS POWERFUL!”
This is the thirteenth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Creative Kodie. Kodie holds the eleventh clue on the map to finding the treasure, Relax. She knows that relaxing and letting it happen is the very best way to be creative! Join Kodie as she tells her the story of relaxed creativity. Kodie always says, “RELAXING LETS CREATIVITY MAKE QUANTUM LEAPS!”
This is the fourteenth book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought Books, Uri Universe. Uri holds the twelfth clue on the map to finding the treasure, Law. Uri and Miss Educo help explain the Laws of the Universe and how they all work the same for everyone. Join Uri as he tells the story of being aware of potential and Universal Laws. Uri always says, “THERE ARE NO LIMITS WITH THE LAW.”
This is the fifteenth and final book in the series of the fifteen School of Thought books, Inspiration Jason. Jason holds the thirteenth clue on the map to finding the treasure, Growing. Jason explains that real growing starts from the inside first and works its way out. Join Jason as he inspires us with his story of the true treasure and where it is found. Jason always says, “THE TREASURE IS RIGHT INSIDE YOU!”
Tenney Training
Wickenburg, Arizona
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